The composition of a good breakfast, lots of fiber, high in protein.

The composition of a good breakfast, lots of fiber, high in protein.
The composition of a good breakfast, lots of fiber, high in protein.
Breakfast is important for a person like that has been proven in research studies. People who eat breakfast brain will have more energy in the morning, so that power concentration would be better, it is certainly important for school children.
But although it sounds simple breakfast, keep in mind it does not mean a person is quite simply eat in the morning and were satisfied. But thinking in the breakfast should also have a balanced nutritional content of protein and fiber.
Breakfast is not enough just full course. Must be met also needs nutrients, because in addition to the brain, our body also needs energy to work, and the energy that we derive not only from carbohydrates, but also proteins.
Protein sources can be obtained for example from an egg, soybean, milk, or meat and poultry. Meanwhile, the fiber can be obtained from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
A quick breakfast of whole wheat called experts offer complex carbohydrates for energy, fiber makes feel full longer, and vitamin D to improve mood and metabolism. Cereal products in this case could be an alternative because apart easily obtained easily also prepared.
But nutrition experts from the University of Oxford Professor Susan Jebb says special breakfast that use whole grain cereals, someone suggested to first check the label and choose the enhancements that have less sugar.

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