The enormity of the red fibers of coconut water, for gall stone crushers.

The enormity of the red fibers of coconut water, for gall stone crushers.
Some time ago, one person's friend suddenly collapsed and was diagnosed with chronic gall stones that have been so great to rock in the bile and cover the supply line blocking bile to help digestion in the stomach.
According to the doctor that there is no way other than surgical removal of the gallbladder in other words he will no longer have his gall bladder in the organ. Without thinking twice, my friend schedule surgery at a hospital in Jakarta international scale, because if they are not the quickest in his operations be increasingly thin, weak and felt a tremendous pain.
But a few days just before surgical removal of the gallbladder was done, one person's relatives brought 3 coconuts green"fibers red" or coconut drug that has a large size, or commonly recognized by the characteristic fiber inside purplish red, when the tip of the skin on fruit coconut was slightly peeled. Coconuts like this is indeed a bit sparse, but apparently also not too difficult to come by because many young coconut seller who can provide it is certainly at a higher price than regular oil.
To process it is also not too hard, which is the base slightly shelled and hollowed out, and then slightly reduced so as not to spill water when burned on the stove until the water boils. After boiling with coconut water looks a lot of air bubbles and the steam coming out of the coconut water, so turn off the heat and let cool a few times so that, when it chilled as soon as possible in drinking until exhausted by wearing a straw, or can be poured in a glass.
Three coconut green "red fibers" it was the one that consumed by a friend in three days, at which time drank the most good, namely at night just before bed. As a result in a few days ago when my friend did an ultrasound end to the operations that will be done soon, gallstones which will remove it from the body that have been lost altogether, only remaining bit of sand that will soon disappear in a few days.
At the end of the surgical procedure were also canceled, and my friend was healthy again as usual. Thus this paper I make by referring to the experience of my friend in order to be beneficial, because the procedure of removal of the gall bladder in my opinion does not resolve the real problem. Where the real problem actually exists in the liver, which because aspect there is slight damage to the liver, and the lifestyle and diet is not healthy, so the liver produces certain chemicals in bile, which, when sediment can create a rock in the bag supplies bile.
When the bile sac discarded, indeed make sure there will be no more rocks formed there, because it has no more bile at capacity. But every drop of production of bile produced by the liver would soon spill into the stomach, until we encounter a man who had had gallbladder, obesity and excessive weight up in need of various types of drugs in all his life, to always keep health so that no new health problems. So hopefully useful.
Source: Facebook Djoko Soehardijarko.

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