How to reduce fat around the waist, do this routine.

How to reduce fat around the waist, do this routine.
How to reduce fat around the waist, do this routine.
In addition to abdominal fat, the fat around the waist is also quite troublesome. Fat in the waist will get you into trouble when you want to use tight clothes. When you use it, this fat will look flabby and certainly not lovely.
In addition, the fat in the waist will certainly reduce your confidence, is not it? Then, is there a solution to overcome this? The answer is, no.
If you want to have a toned body, try the following trick. This trick can speed up the metabolism, so that you can lose weight quickly. Learn how to do it.

Necessary materials:    1 tablespoon ground ginger (or ground)
    A few tablespoons of body lotion
    Plastic foil
    Cloth towel
    Elastic bandages

How to use:Soak a cloth towel in warm water, then wrap around your waist. Allow the towel for a few minutes in your body, to open the pores of the skin. You can repeat this procedure for more open your pores.
Mix ginger with body lotion and apply this mixture to the desired area. Then, wrap with transparent plastic foil several times. Tape the elastic bandage on plastic foil. Watch out, do not be too hard paste it, you should still feel comfortable. Allow about 4 hours, and if you do not there is a problem with this procedure, you can leave it overnight.
At first, you will feel tingling, but do not worry, this is proof that this method was working, as ginger will reduce the accumulation of fat in the body. The result will be maximal if coupled with regular exercise and eating healthy foods. Add the ginger in your daily diet. This will increase the effect of this mask and you will lose more fat waist.
Note: The results vary from one person to another. How much fat is lost depends on metabolism, diet and activity that you run.
Source: Healthy Food Star

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