Banish bad breath with this drink.

Banish bad breath with this drink.
Banish bad breath with this drink.
Bad breath is quite disturbing. This situation makes some people become less confident when talking with others. No doubt, they work around this by eating a mint, gum or using 'mouthspray'.
This method is effective, but it is only temporary. Try to switch on the materials more natural, much more potent, safe and healthy of course.
Like the following recipe, which is made of several natural ingredients that will help get rid of your bad breath forever. Here's a recipe that you can prepare yourself easily.

    1/2 tablespoon ground cinnamon
    1/2 tablespoon honey
    2 lemons

How to make:Enter the cinnamon and honey in a bowl and add a cup of hot water. Stir ingredients until smooth then add lemon juice. Stir again until well mixed. After that, put the liquid in a glass jar and cover tightly. Keep this drink in the refrigerator. Use this mixture to rinse, before swallowing. You can repeat this procedure if necessary.
Cinnamon and lemon will disinfect the mouth and destroy odor-causing bacteria. While honey will give a better flavor to this mix.
In addition to eliminating bad breath, this mix will also help you fight viruses and colds, because the drink is able to strengthen the immune system and act as antioxidants.
Source: Healthy Food Star

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