9 things you should know about health.

9 things you should know about health.

Here are some interesting facts about health that you should know, was launched from healthmeup.com

1. On average, people breathe 20 kg of dust lifetime.
If the accumulated each person on average 20 kg of dust inhalation lifetime. In addition, the lungs are the only organ that can float in the water, because there are 300 million alveoli, or bubble like a balloon.

2. Men produce sperm every heart beat in 1500.
Normal fertile men, on average, will produce 1500 sperm every time the heart beats. Sperm out when ejaculation range from 280 to 500 million.

3. Human saliva produce as much as 2 swimming pools lifetime.
The average person produces saliva as much as 2 swimming pools lifetime. While the amount of food consumed by humans is as much as 27 tons lifetime.

4. Flies regurgitate food before eating it.
Flies can not eat solid foods, they will regurgitate the food they bite back and change it until it becomes liquid, then they will suck the liquid. Therefore watch out if your food exposed to flies.

5. The mouth is a nest of bacteria.
More than 6 million live bacteria in the mouth. Food debris, saliva, as well as being home humid conditions ideal for the development of bacteria, they multiply into the millions within 5 hours. Therefore diligently clean the mouth and teeth.

6. Beard is a favorite residence for bacteria.
Less manicured beard become a breeding ground for bacteria. Even when sweating, the beard will smell like armpits. So for the beard, you should keep it clean regularly.

7. The head bumped also burns calories.
All physical activity we do burn calories. Including when the head knock. When we listen to music while shaking his head, also burns calories. If performed within 1 hour, then you've burned 150 calories.

8. Coughing and sneezing spread germs.
When sneezing, speed can reach 166 km/ h, whereas when coughing, that blowing can reach 100 km/ h. If you do not close the nose when sneezing, or do not cover the mouth when coughing, then you have a role in the spread of germs.

9. The average human conduct sex 2,580 times.
At least 2,580 people make during his life-time sex. Another interesting fact, humans and dolphins are sentient beings who have sex for pleasure than for necessity.

Similarly interesting facts about health, may add insight.

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