To get a soft and beautiful skin requires extra care. But
extra care is not always expensive and inconvenient. Because by simply using
some natural ingredients are easy to find, we can also take care of the skin.
Here are some of the natural materials around us which can
make the skin look stunning, more radiant and beautiful.
Orange Lemon is very good for skin health because it contains
vitamins B and C which helps the skin to become healthier. Citric acid in it is
also beneficial for your skin. In addition, the lemon also contains
antioxidants which can purify your blood, remove toxins in the body (detox) and
cleanse the kidneys.
Add the ginger in your drink, be it tea, coffee, milk or
juice. It makes your skin more healthy and lustrous. The content of the ginger
can cure inflammation such as pimples on the skin. In addition, Ginger also
contains manga, potassium, magnesium and vitamins that contain antioxidants
that are good for skin to appear more toned and youthful.
Red potatoes.
As with lemon, red potatoes also contain that can help
cleanse the blood and kidneys. Sweet potatoes also contain anti-inflammatory
throw dirty blood out of the body. This can improve the health condition of
your skin.
Beta carotene found in carrots vegetables can help your skin
from premature aging. The content in carrots can also balance the production of
collagen in the skin. By eating carrots can reduce wrinkles, acne, and scars on
the skin as it works to eliminate toxins. Carrot consumption can make the skin
more elastic and youthful.
Watercress is good to clean the blood, thus making the skin
look clean and healthy. In fact, watercress can brighten the skin, because the
content of sulfur in it. In addition, watercress also contains calcium, iodine,
vitamins and antioxidants that are good for the skin.
Parsley plants can help the skin's resilience, cleaning spots
/ black spots on the face, and also cleans your kidneys. Parsley is also able
to accelerate the healing process of the skin so that your skin looks more
clean and healthy manicured.
Cabbage can work well as the prevention of acne. This is
because cabbage contains vitamins and minerals that help accelerate the wound
healing process of the skin, including acne.
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