Avoid these foods to avoid acne.

Avoid these foods to avoid acne.
Avoid these foods to avoid acne.
Acne is the most common problem experienced by almost everyone as a teenager. However, for some people, acne problems will still occur for longer.
Acne gives the look less attractive in the face and it should be handled with proper care. No matter how many creams and ointments used to reduce acne, they do not seem to work in reducing these problems.
Therefore, the best way to control the development of acne is to heal naturally and that by eating nutritious foods. However, there are a variety of foods that are harmful to the skin, because it can lead to acne and makes the skin look worse.
Changing lifestyle and proper diet can help get rid of acne. You do not eat foods that are too oily, salty or spicy, and should avoid some foods that are not skin friendly.
Most importantly, you must not forget to hydrate your body. Here are six foods that are consumed illicit if you do not want acne as quoted from page Boldsky, Tuesday, December 15, 2015:

1. Potato chips
Potato chips are a favorite food of all people. However, these foods can be harmful to your health and your skin. That's because the potato chips made using oils and ingredients that can cause havoc to the skin.

2. caffeinated beverages
Caffeinated beverages is a bad thing, which can cause acne and make acne spreads in the face. Caffeine stimulates the skin becomes unhealthy for chemical content in them. Avoid caffeine-containing foods is the best way to end acne.

3. Cheese
Cheese is an unhealthy food in the top list for the skin. Cheese can cause acne. The cheese has a negative effect on health because it contains steroids and progesterone. You can replace the cheese with yogurt or fresh cream that does not harm the skin and the skin is also very friendly.

4. Fried
Oils and fats in fried foods is not only bad for your health, but also for the skin. Eating too much fried foods can make acne prone skin.

5. Mango
Mango become one of the main foods that can cause acne. Eating too many mangoes can increase body heat, boils, and acne. The high glycemic index in mangoes can increase insulin levels in the blood, so it will cause acne.

6. Popcorn
Popcorn is one of the foods that cause acne. These snacks contain fats and starches that can worsen the condition of acne on the skin. Popcorn can trigger inflammation and irritation of the intestines due to the high content of glutamate.

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