Yellow Watermelon Benefits

Yellow Watermelon Benefits
Watermelon is a fruit that is already familiar to us. So far we know only watermelon red for consumption. It turns out there is kind of watermelon is no less fresh and tasty for consumption, but it also has health benefits. Namely yellow watermelon.
Here are some benefits of yellow watermelon:
Yellow watermelon can cure fever. And can cure canker sores.
Inside there is a yellow watermelon citrulin substances. These substances work together with other compounds, to help blood vessels relax.
There is also a lycopene compound, which contains antioxidants that protect the body from cancer. Compound lycopene is one component of carotenoids like beta-carotene. These compounds can reduce free radicals in the body. Free radicals caused by pollution, poor diet, negative thought patterns, and so on. Consequently making the skin dry, lusterless face grim. The compound lycopene make the face glow and look youthful.
Contains vitamin C is very high so that helps the immune system to stay healthy.
Yellow watermelon can reduce hypertension, because of the presence of potassium. Watermelon eating too much does not cause side effects, in order to reduce hypertension.
Can be digestive problems such as constipation, since the high fiber content.
The fruit is also suitable for a diet to lose weight, because eating watermelon is filling.
Help sharpen memory for older people. With consumption of yellow watermelon, can restore memory declining due to age factor that can not be avoided.
Can overcome thirst, because besides the yellow watermelon has a high water content, is also rich in minerals. Suitable heat consumed during the dry season.

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