Setting the daily diet.

Setting the daily diet.
To be able to continue to enjoy the beauty of healthy, one of which we should pay attention to diet. In terms of type, should consider the composition of carbohydrates, protein, fat, and calories fitting. In terms of numbers, adjust as needed. Note also the eating schedule, ie not more than three times a day.
It can not be ignored, especially for those who have a history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cholesterol, uric acid and so on. In order for a disease suffered no recurrence. Here are suggestions to set a daily diet:
Limit sugary foods, coconut milk and fatty air. Consumption of foods with a balanced intake of the composition, namely: food 55-65% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and protein 10-20% of total calorie intake. Reduce foods that contain sugar, oil and salt.
Consumption of fruit and vegetables. Almost all fruits and vegetables, good for health, fruits and vegetables can facilitate the digestive system, absorbing the bad fats and sugars that accumulate in the body. Eating an apple with its skin that has been washed clean before the big meal, can prevent excessive appetite.
Drink plenty of water, avoid drinking soft drinks, punch, and syrup. Drinking water your body needs, about 8 glasses a day. The air in the room air-conditioning, you did not feel hungry, but still have to drink water as needed.
For diabetics, the better the consumption of foods with carbohydrate and protein corresponding to the dose. For patients with hypertension, note and control in the consumption of high fat foods, salty foods, salted or preserved. Patients with gout, control for not excessive consumption of high purine foods like red meat, viscera, cashew nuts, and beans, drink plenty of water to help remove uric acid through urine. For those who possess a history of cholesterol, avoid foods that are too savory, fatty, fried foods, dairy products, viscera, sea food, and other food sources of animal fats. If you want to eat fried foods, should be drained first with a tissue, or limit their consumption, or do not eat fried foods at all.
In addition to control themselves in the consumption of food, adequate rest is important to keep the immune system. Lack of rest plus the intake of unhealthy foods, can lead to other health problems. What is important is regular exercise to burn off excess calories.

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