Tonsillitis: Know the symptoms, causes until the treatment

Tonsillitis: Know the symptoms, causes until the treatment
courtesy go-dok
Tonsillitis: Know the symptoms, causes until the treatment

Tonsillitis is inflammatory in the palatine of the tonsils caused by a viral or bacterial infection of Streptotocus. Despite the uncomfortable taste, tonsillitis in general is not a serious illness. Tonsillitis infection is common in children who are young and about 5 to 15 years old. This condition is caused by food or drink consumed.

Tonsillitis is a lymph node located inside the back or upper throat of the mouth. The incidence rate of the disease has no significant difference in both male and female patients.

Tonsillitis is a disease that can be solved by controlling the factors that can cause Tonsillitis to arise. Therefore recognize the signs of symptoms and causes that can cause tonsillitis.

Here's an explanation of the symptoms, causes, and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the tonsillitis that we have summarized from various sources.

What usual symptoms arise?

Symptoms of tonsillitis usually appear 2-4 days after contracting this disease.

The following signs and symptoms are often felt:

· Sore throat
· Hoarseny
· Loss of appetite
· Headaches
· Stiff neck
· Fever accompanied by a shivering body
· Tonel visible red and swollen
· Difficult to open your mouth

Causes of Tonsillitis disease

The cause of tonsillitis disease in children is usually caused by viral infections. There are some viruses that can cause tonsillitis disease including influenza (flu) viruses and Epstein Barr virus (EBV).

The bacterial cause of a tonsillitis disease is generally Streptococcus Pyogenes (group A strepcoccus). These bacteria can also cause sore throat.

How to treat if experiencing Tonsillitis disease?

1. Antibiotics
Antibiotics greatly help the body to fight infections and can also help relieve symptoms of inflammation rapidly. However, taking these medications can lead to the risk of antibiotic resistance. In addition, taking too much medication will cause side effects.

2. Operation
The operation of the tonsillation is called tonsilectomy. This procedure is commonly done only in chronic or recurrent tonsillitis sufferers.

3. Home Remedies
At the time of home treatment, the most important thing is to change the lifestyle by becoming healthier.

What lifestyle can be applied when performing home remedies that can help overcome tonsillitis:

· Drink plenty of water
· Adequate rest
· Dosing
· Avoid smoke especially for smokers

So, that is the explanation of tonsillitis disease that you should know from symptoms to how to treat tonsillitis disease. The most important thing is to always do a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid any viruses that attack the disease.

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