6 Steps How to shave a good and healthy pubic fur

6 Steps How to shave a good and healthy pubic fur
6 Steps How to shave a good and healthy pubic fur

Everything that is done wrong will result in a bad impact, including the ignorance of how to shave the good and healthy pubic fur. Shaving the pubic hair is not necessary, but it is very beneficial to increase our genital health. Do you know that 75% of women experience vaginal discharge, and the cause is ignorance of how to treat genital health.

The way of shaving the pubic fur is different from shaving on the face and other body areas. In the pubic area there is a lot of nerves, so we will easily feel pain and sore, especially if it is wrong in shaving. In addition, the pubic fur is also thicker and curly.

Prepare the right Tools
Shaving equipment is getting more and more, ranging from equipment that uses power or sophisticated technology. However, not all of the equipment we can use. All we need is a simple tool:
Combs, shaving scissors, shaver/razor pivoting razor (hair shaver shape curved head), Baby oil, cream or shaving gel, glass, warm water, towel, disposal (crackle, trash cans, and the like).

Phase one is cleaning equipment
Cleaning tools are necessary to maintain self-hygiene and protected from bacteria. In addition, cleaning is useful to prevent the onset of infection (if there is injury when shaving). The equipment that is cleaned are comb, scissors, and fur shavers.

Clean the equipment from dirt, dirt, or stains. Then, flush with alcohol and let it dry.

Phase two namely thinning feather
Place the mirror in front of the pubic area to facilitate depletion.

Long fur should not be directly shaved with a shaver, but it must be done first shortening. The first stage is to use a comb to move the pubic fur, then use scissors to shave. Cut the fur with scissors until the fur length is about 0.5 cm for females and 1 cm for men.

The third stage is to soften the fur
As it has been said above that the pubic fur is thicker than the other feathers. Therefore, it is necessary to be expanded first. Use warm water to clean the used fur, then compress the genital area with warm water. By doing this, the moreover makes the fur more easily shaved, also can minimize the risk of scratched skin. Once in the compress, dry the pubic area with a towel or the like.

Next phase Apply gel or shaving cream
Use a gel or cream that is not accompanied by deodorizer, because according to some sources that the deodorizer contained in a gel or cream can usually increase the risk of skin irritation. Make a gel or cream by turning it clockwise (with the fur position standing upwards). This rotating motion serves to make the shaving process easier.

The upper position of the fur will make the gauge easier than the bottom position of the fur.

Fifth phase of the gauge
In shaving, use the dominant right hand to shave. For men use the other hand to hold the penis. Pull the shaver up from the bottom down gently and carefully.

Oh Yes friend, make sure the tool is a sharp enough, not rusty, and also not blunt. When finished, cleanse it with warm water or clean water. Then dry it again with a favorite towel.

Last stage apply Baby Oil
After drying, it's time to apply baby oil. The benefits of applying this baby oil is to avoid itching after shaving to.

That's her best friend tips and how to shave her good and healthy pubic hair. There is one more tip, if you have a live partner then can ask for the help of his partner. If that does not have a live partner, I pray for fast married Amen.

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