How to treat type 2 Diabetes using turmeric

How to treat type 2 Diabetes using turmeric
courtesy wikimediacommons
How to treat type 2 Diabetes using turmeric

Type 2 Diabetes is one of the conditions in the blood sugar level increases or higher, so it exceeds the limit or normal value. The sugar levels are increased due to abnormal insulin hormones used by the body. Insulin itself is a hormone that helps sugar get into the body's cells and is converted into energy.

In general, type 2 diabetes sufferers can feel a variety of symptoms, such as the presence of black on the body, wounds that are hard to heal, blurred vision and so on. However, these symptoms will not be immediately felt, because it takes a long time to be felt by the sufferer of type 2 diabetes.

There are a wide range of treatments for this type 2 diabetes disease to heal quickly, one of which is using traditional or natural ingredients. Natural treatment is one of the ways that you can try and do it yourself at home. One way is to use natural herbs that you can find easily, namely turmeric.

How to treat type 2 Diabetes naturally using turmeric

As we know turmeric is one of the spices that is usually used to add flavor to various cuisines. In addition turmeric is also very easy to find, since turmeric is usually available at nearby stalls for sale.

But do you know, other than for cooking? Apparently turmeric also has many benefits to overcome various diseases, such as treating ulcers, overcoming flatulence, relieves painful menstruation, relieves nausea and others, including overcoming diabetes.

A study found if diabetic blood sugar levels decreased by 18% after consuming turmeric as much as 300mg per day. While other studies prove, consuming turmeric 1.5 grams daily for 9 months may prevent type 2 diabetes disease and occur in people who are experiencing prediabetes.

Well, for those of you who want to try the turmeric herb to treat this diabetic, it is very easy. Here is how to make the turmeric herb to treat type 2 diabetes.

    Prepare 3 or 4 turmeric
    Then boil turmeric with water and salt to taste
    Boil to boiling or ripe
    Then lift and move it to the container while it is filtered, then chill
    If it is cold, then drink the boiled turmeric water regularly

Diet and healthy lifestyle is one of the key to live spared from all diseases, including type 2 diabetes. So change the lifestyle and diet that is more awake, so that all diseases are not easy to attack.

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