Left side sleeping
Sleeping with the side to the left is not recommended,
because there is some effect, which is not good for health, including :
The position of the bed tilted to the left, the heart can be
squeezed, the result can not work optimally heart in pumping blood, so the
blood supply to the brain is reduced , it can cause nightmares.
Sleep on your left, also cause excessive cardiac output,
because the blood that enters the atrium much, because right lung is above,
while the right lung gets blood supply more than the left lung.
Sleep on the left, the chime expenditure ( food that has been
digested by the stomach gastric acid mix ) will be slightly disturbed, it slows
gastric emptying process, which will increase the accumulation of stomach acid,
which causes erosion of the stomach wall. In addition, this position will also
cause intestinal fluid is alkaline, can go back to the wall of the stomach due
to erosion of the stomach near the pylorus.
One cause of snoring is the supine sleeping position, this is
because when sleeping on your back, the airway will be obstructed by the base
of the tongue, so that the body is deprived of oxygen. It can even happen choke/
stop breathing for a few seconds, which can make up abruptly, with a heavy
breath and dizziness, because the brain is deprived of oxygen.
For people with asthma, sleep on your back causes the lifting
of the diaphragm, and then pressing the chest cavity, causing shortness of
Sleeping on his stomach
Sleeping on his stomach, it is definitely not
practical for breathing, because the lungs and heart depressed by the body, so
it could happen shortness of breath. Similarly, the neck tilted to the left or
to the right, will be aching or pain when too long .
The best sleeping position according to science is, with the
right side of the body position or facing to the right.
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