The eruption of the volcano is an event that we can not
refuse, many losses, even until the victim died. Volcanic eruptions bring the
economic, social, until the health, caused by a variety of materials of dust
and gas, which is removed from the earth.
In this paper further discusses the dangers of volcanic ash,
for the health of the human body, in the affected area of the volcano eruption.
When the volcano erupted, usually spouting water vapor (H2O),
carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrochloric acid (HCl),
hydrofluoric acid (Hf), and volcanic ash into the atmosphere. The volcanic ash
is less than 2 micro meters, contains such as silica, minerals and rocks. The most
common elements are sulfate, chloride, sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium,
and fluoride. There are also other elements such as zinc, cadmium, and lead, in
lower concentrations.
According to The International Volcanis Health Hazard Network,
in general, volcanic ash causes, human health problems, such as acute
respiratory disorders, disorders of vision, irritation of the skin, and
mechanical disruption due to volcanic ash.
Acute respiratory distress
Very fine dust particles can enter the lungs during breathing.
It makes a healthy person just hard to breathe. Early signs of respiratory
problems due to exposure to volcanic ash are:
~ Irritation of the respiratory tract, characterized by sneezing
and discharge of mucus/ cold
~ Irritation in the throat, sometimes accompanied by a dry
~ In patients with respiratory diseases such as bronchitis
and asthma, volcanic ash causes more serious illness, with signs of acute
bronchitis for several days, such as a dry cough/ phlegm, and shortness of
Bake -term exposure to volcanic ash, can cause serious lung
diseases. Volcanic ash contains crystalline silica, in high concentration over
the years, causing various health problems.
In patients with asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and heart
problems, those most at risk. Very fine ash particles can irritate the
respiratory tract, causing contraction of the respiratory muscles making it
difficult breathing. The ash also causes the lining of the respiratory tract,
produce more secretions, which can make someone coughing and breathing heavy.
In children, can suffer from coughing and tightness in the chest. Some people
who do not have asthma, may experience asthma symptoms after volcanic ash,
especially if it is too long to be outdoors.
Disturbances in vision
Eye irritation is a common effect, volcanic ash particles
that form sharp pointy, when entering the eye can injure the cornea, and make
red eye. Users of soft lenses, it is better to take it off to prevent corneal
abrasion. Disorders that often arise in the eye due to the volcanic ash of
~ Feel eye smth
~ Eye pain, itching, burning, redness, feels uncomfortable
~ Shed tears, sticky, and remove dirt dusky yellowish
~ There was a corneal abrasion/ scratches on the cornea
~ Acute red eye, eyelids become swollen, because the process
of inflammation, eye burning, be sensitive to light, and decreased vision
Skin irritation
Body skin can also become irritable from volcanic ash, though
rarely to serious. In some cases, the acidic volcanic ash, can cause :
~ Red rash on the skin
~ The incidence of red spots on the skin
~ Itching experience in skin
~ The infection can appear as skin scratch
Mechanical disruption
Mechanical disruption of volcanic ash for example, in transport
where visibility is reduced, which can lead to accidents, ash can also
contaminate water, so the water consumption of unhygienic, and so on
Tips to prevent disruptions due to volcanic ash :
~ Use a mask or wet handkerchief to cover the nose
~ Use goggles to avoid eye of the entry of dust particles
~ Remove soft lenses/ contact lens for a while
~ Use long-sleeved shirts and long pants, so that the skin
does not come in direct contact with volcanic ash
~ Wash skin exposed to volcanic ash, with running water and
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