Good and healthy sleep

One of the most effective ways, to maintain health, is the sleep/ rest. Because enough sleep, help strengthen the human immune system. Lack of sleep causes, the human immune system is weakened. Enough sleep, in addition to reducing fatigue and lethargy, also reduces irritation and upset, because sleep stimulates, the emergence of feelings and positive thoughts in human beings.
Good sleep is in the early evening, around 8 pm, men today tend to sleep late at night, because of busy work or stay out late, sleep late at night is certainly not healthy.
Before going to bed, you should clean yourself first, like brushing your teeth, wash your face, hands and feet, so that more clean from germs, which may be carried over from the day's activities .
Good sleeping position is, skewed to the right with the right ribs as a pedestal, with cushions that are parallel, not too low , or too high. But okay with other position when it is tired , and just for a while, but the best position to keep coming back again to the right side.
Here is the medical scientific research, why sleep on your right side is better ?
Keeping the respiratory tract
Side sleeping prevent falling into the base of the tongue, which can disrupt the respiratory tract. Sleeping on your back, making the airways, obstructed by the tongue. It causes a person to snore, people who snore, his lack of oxygen, even sometimes can choke, or stop breathing a few seconds, so waking from sleep. The person will usually dizziness, due to lack of oxygen to the brain. It is very disturbing quality of sleep.
Maintaining a healthy heart
Sleep on your right side, making the heart more freely, not affected other organs, because the position of the heart on the left chest cavity, causing cardiac output current, because the blood that enters the atrium too much, gets the blood supply of the lungs.
Maintaining the health of the lungs
Left lung size, smaller, compared to the right lung. With sleep on your right, then the left lung performance more freely.
Resting the left brain
Our brain is divided into two, right brain and left brain, both of which have a cross function, the control system of the body. The right brain controls the left side of the body work, while the left brain controls the right side of the body work. Humans are usually more active on the right side of the body, meaning that the left brain work harder. With sleep position tilted to the right, then resting the left brain, which during the activity to work harder.
Increase gallbladder emptying and pancreatic
Position your right side while sleeping, can increase the release of pancreatic juice. Chrime flow smoothly, will lead to increased secretion of bile, thus preventing the formation of gall bladder stones.
Improve absorption of nutrients
At bedtime, increased bowel movements. With the body facing to the right, traveling food digested and ready to absorb, will be longer. That's because the position of the small intestine to the large intestine are under. This long time, allowing optimal nutrient absorption and more perfect.
Stimulate defecation
Regularly defecate good effect on health. With sleep on your right, the process of filling the sigmoid colon ( before the anus ), will be maximized. If it is full, it will stimulate bowel movements, followed by contraction of the muscles of the anus, making it easy defecation.
Left foot rest
In people with the right movement, in orgonomis, tend to use the left foot, as the center pedestal, to balance the current position of the activity. Because of this heavy duty, left leg tends to quickly sore, especially the left leg blood flow behind it tends to be slower. When sleeping on your right, then the left leg veins will discharge more quickly, so the soreness disappear faster.

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