Natural medicine around us (series 2).

Natural medicine around us (series 2).

Natural medicinearound us (series 2).

Red onion.

Liquid onion spicy, is a cure that has the effect of killing germs on the outside as well as inside the body. Shallots have pegaruh normalize intestinal nervous system. Red onion helps digestion and disposal of toxic bile. In addition, red onions also can lower blood pressure, the standard drug in the treatment of fever and flu.

Natural medicine around us watercress


Very rich in sulfur, nitrogen and iodine. Watercress is a good dialysis as well as a healing tonic for liver and kidney disorders. To make a tonic, make watercress juice, drink regularly during the two weeks there will be changes to the liver and kidneys improved.

Natural medicine around us celery


Celery is a source of chloride, potassium and sodium. Celery fluid is a drug therapy has distinctive effects on the central nervous system, pain cure gout and rheumatism. A shot of celery plus one tablespoon of honey pure honey can increase appetite. Celery can lower blood pressure, so it is good for people with hypertension, but look out for patients with hypotension consumption slightly.

Natural medicine around us cabbage


Cabbage is a vegetable that has many benefits. Young green cabbage can be used to compress the fever. Mashed cabbage can be used to treat skin problems, such as skin burns or wounds, rheumatism and headaches, insect bites, acne, dry chapped skin, ulcers, infections and mild swelling. You do this only with the topical to the body that feels pain in the morning and evening.

Natural medicine around us lettuce


Has minerals such as iodine, phosphorus, iron, copper, cobalt, zinc, calcium, manganese and potassium. So that the lettuce had the best efficacy in maintaining body balance. Lettuce green outer skin is the best. Cooking can not be too ripe for drugs insomnia / sleeplessness.

Natural medicine around us carrots


Could increase the number of red blood grains so good for the liver. Carrot Soup useful for disorders of the stomach / gastric and bowel, can overcome constipation. Vitamin A is useful for eye health. Drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning can protect us from colds, flu, and bronchitis. But do not consume too much, because it can lead to poisoning carotene.

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