Daily habits that are not healthy.

Daily habits that are not healthy.
Health is the most precious treasure, but we often neglect to protect our health. Here are the habits that we often do without us knowing, but the habit can be bad for the health.

The habit of staying up
Sleeping less than 5 hours a day for an overnight vigil is not good for health. The human body needs a break within 24 hours every day, so the body can come back fresh tomorrow. With a night's sleep means resting the muscles, the brain, and the body in general. If we lack sleep due to late nights can result in the body's equilibrium is disturbed, susceptible to disease, sleepiness in the morning, lack of focus, even serious diseases can arise. We'd better night's sleep quality between 5 to 7jam.

Late eating habits.
Because of busy work we often put off for a meal or late on a feeding schedule should be. It can cause stomach irritation, stomach acid to be high because of the lack of food is digested, the body becomes lethargic and weak, because the body requires fuel for daily activities

Daily habits that are not healthy late eating.

No breakfast.
This habit often we do related to diet, ie no breakfast before doing your daily activities, before work or school. As we know the body needs fuel to be able to perform daily activities, the body needs nutrition and nutrition of breakfast. What happens if the body does not get the fuel, then the body will easily lethargic, the brain can not think quickly, be less focus, forgetfulness, meudah tired, so sleepy that interfere with work or school performance.

Do not want to cook their own meals.
Busy career women who prefer to buy food outside, instead of cooking their own meals. It is not good for health, because we do not know the nutrients contained in the food. Usually we buy food in a good famous or selling, chances are they cook food too much flavoring composition (Monosodium Glutamate), they also use salt and sugar too much, possibly also using saturated oils and so on. It can result in health problems such as diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol and so on.
Daily habits that are not healthy instan food.

Eating Habits instant food.
Because it does not cook itself, then we are consuming instant food, whether it is to buy or make themselves too dangerous. Instant food purchasing for example: a burger, pizza, fried chicken, French fries and so on. Instant food made himself an example: instant noodles. These foods are practical, but contains sugar and salt and high fat, not to mention there is a flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate, food preservatives and so on which is bad if consumed regularly, such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cholesterol, heart disease and even cancer.

Too often using a mobile phone.
Habit too often mnggunakan mobile phones are harmful to the body, be it during a call, SMS, internet ber, 
or playing games. Better call when using the loudspeaker, rather than directly to the ear, because the 
radiation is dangerous, unless the phone is private or confidential. SMS or browse the internet and play 
games that are too long can cause the hands and fingers stiff even tingling, neck bow looking towards 
the mobile phone also feels sore, eyes are too focused on the screen also experience fatigue until it feels 
dry even be able to experience nearsightedness, head was also felt dizzy if addiction in using 
the mobile phone.
Daily habits that are not healthy too often using mobile phone.
Sitting too long at the computer.
We often work too long at the computer, also cause body fatigue, shoulder and back into aches, neck, 
head and eye fatigue as well. Let us take a rest every one hour once while we work at the computer. 
Stretch with little exercise so that muscle is relaxed.

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