Natural medicine around us (series 1).

Natural medicine around us (series 1) apple.
Apples are rich in minerals and vitamins, apples also contain amino acids and natural sugars. For those of you who have insomnia or difficulty sleeping at night, eating an apple before bed, helps you to quickly sleep well. Apples also help overcome indigestion and flushing the kidneys. Excellent apple juice drink for reasons of treatment or prevention, drink about half a liter a day.
Cider vinegar also has benefits for the immune system, put two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, drink one or two times a day. Apples are also able to offset the excess cholesterol in the blood.

Natural medicine around us (series 1) lemon.

Lemons can be as an antidote to scurvy. Lime juice can also be used as a healer respiratory tract infections and is also a general tonic. To heal or regenerate liver, drinking lime juice mixed with honey, drink several times a day do not need to fear overdose. Lemons also gives balance to the body due to alcohol. People who are intoxicated due to alcohol, immediately give a glass of lemon juice then he will get well soon.
For those who want to lose weight, drink lemon juice in the morning either in the form of hot or ice cold. Lemons are also a good astringent to be used as a gargle for sore throat pain, heartburn, ulcers, and so on. Lemons as well as uterine haemorhage after childbirth, also can as a sunblock lotion to the skin.

Natural medicine around us (series 1) potatoes.

Nutritional more precisely located under the skin. Therefore do not be too deep peel, peel thin enough. A slice of raw potato are affixed to the forehead to relieve headaches. Can cure wrinkles circles under the eyes, swollen eyelids, or the like panda eyes.

Natural medicine around us (series 1) garlic.

Garlic has two remarkable properties. First, can open or dilate the blood circulation, second, a strong antibiotic. Since ancient times garlic is used to treat fever, cough, bronchitis and throat. For the treatment of arthritis, rheumatic, sciatica and sinusitis infection. You do this by mashing 2 cloves garlic until smooth, mix with one teaspoon of pure honey, eat slowly, take 3 to 4 days of illness will subside.
Crushed garlic mixed with butter and honey can help heal the kidneys and bladder disorders. Garlic mixed with milk can reduce high blood pressure and headaches. Garlic is also effective as a healing intestinal infections and liver disorders.

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