Bleaching Teeth.

Bleaching Teeth.
Everyone basically has the basic color of each tooth. However, as time went on, the color of teeth can change or become more dull, caused by bebarapa factors.
Factors that cause tooth discoloration is partly because eating and drinking, smoking and drugs. Frequent consumption of tea and coffee has also resulted in increasingly dull teeth. Eat hot foods and drink hot drinks can cause tooth color change. Cigarettes containing nicotine can cause tooth color cloudy. Some drugs such as antibiotics, can often result in the use of the teeth become yellow.
To fix then performed tooth bleaching, namely how to whiten teeth with certain chemicals. However, the bleaching compounds can actually have a negative effect on the teeth such as tooth enamel hardness lost so easily fragile.
If you want to do the bleaching of teeth, there are several conditions that need special handling, namely:
Patients with dentin hypersensitivity, the teeth are too sensitive to food or drinks that are too hot or too cold.
Patients who have a tendency to caries (tooth decay) is high. Namely teeth brittle and easily perforated.
Therefore, bleaching should be performed by a professional dentist, so prior to bleaching, should be consulted first.
Keep in mind that the results of bleaching usually only last 6-12 months. That too must be accompanied by diet and drinking well, and always follow the doctor's advice.

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