Recognize depression to prevent suicide.

Recognize depression to prevent suicide.
Suicidal usually are depressed. Depression is the biggest trigger suicides. A person who attempts to commit suicide usually show certain signs. Initially, these people feel sadness. Hobbies are usually preferred, now abandoned. Then, like the energy is lost. Diet and sleep patterns become erratic. Finally came the idea to commit suicide.
Another sign is the loss of interest in sex, lack of concentration, feeling life is not useful anymore and pessimistic, feeling guilty and irritable. The most severe is the emergence of the idea of ​​ending life.
Depression can be triggered by several things. For example, loss of a loved one, hope that does not correspond to reality, and the relationship filled with a mixture of hatred passage and love.
We can catch these signs. Typically they will cry expect any help. They also sometimes leave notes the threat of suicide for people who would ditinggalnya. It should not be overlooked. Therefore, it is possible intention was to become a reality.
In addition to depression, suicide may also be caused by the presence of hallucinations. Sometimes hear voices that told me to suicide. Hallucinations are often derisive or offensive. It could also be due to consumption of dangerous drugs or narcotics.

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