Consumption of calcium from children to avoid osteoporosis.

Consumption of calcium from children to avoid osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis or bone loss, is increasingly common in humans, especially the elderly. According to statistics, a third of men over the age of 65 years, will have osteoporosis.
Human bones like wood. On the bone with osteoporosis, which is a porous fiber. The longer allowed, porous getting worse. It could even lead to bone fractures.
Calcium in bones is always regenerated. There were dumped, and there is imported. For a normal person, the amount of calcium that is received is greater than expenditure. Otherwise the condition in those who suffer from osteoporosis.
Bone loss in the elderly occur due to decreased hormone production. In women, whose influence is the hormone progesterone. While men, depending on the hormone testosterone. In the elderly, the body's hormone production decreases, this results in osteoporosis.
One function of hormones is to deliver calcium to the bone. If the lack of hormone production, calcium is poorly absorbed by the bone. In the female hormone production decreases after menopause. In men, an average of over 65 years.
In addition to hormones, bone health is also affected by movement or exercise. The more frequent exercise will be more healthy bones. But the majority remained bone health is determined by hormones.
There are three regular place osteoporosis severely affected. Namely: spine, pelvis. And wrist. They are affected by osteoporosis in the hip bone will usually die in the first year. Estimated hi it is closely related to psychological conditions. The mortality rate is estimated even higher than prostate cancer. Though a broken pelvic bone can actually be cured, even if the patient can not move as before.
Osteoporosis is not a disease that comes on suddenly. This disease attacks those who lack intake of calcium and vitamin D since a kid. Vitamin D makes calcium easily absorbed by the bones. Prevention not with the already elderly drink milk calcium as much as possible.
Suggested, the parents give the intake of calcium and vitaminD to their children early. Vitamin D can be obtained from the morning sunshine. In children, the sun can be arrested skin melanin. However, in elderly people, melanin the skin has been damaged. Therefore, older people may need vitamin D made in accordance prescription. Besides lifestyle also need to be repaired. Cigarettes and alcohol can also be the cause. Therefore, since youth must be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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