5 Benefits of Mangosteen Skin for Health that Must Be Known


5 Benefits of Mangosteen Skin for Health that Must Be Known
courtesy pixabay

5 Benefits of Mangosteen Skin for Health that Must Be Known

Mangosteen skin should not be taken lightly. Although not eaten but mangosteen skin turns out to be many benefits because it can be used as an alternative medicine of various diseases.

Mangosteen skin has a myriad of properties for the health of the body. Mangosteen fruit (Garcinia mangostana Linn.) is one of the cultivation plants that thrive in Southeast Asian countries.

Mangosteen skin has antioxidant properties, especially xanthone. The antioxidant properties of mangosteen skin amount to 27 times more than the flesh of the fruit.

Xanthones in mangosteen skin become natural ingredients in addressing health problems, such as preventing diabetes, cancer, and fighting free radicals. Mangosteen skin is also able to prevent while overcoming coronary heart disease and skin disease.

Extra mangosteen skin is already widely used in medicinal products. Mangosteen skin extract can be found in the form of pills, herbal teas, or lotions.

Mangosteen skin extract is also rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.  Mangosteen skin is becoming increasingly popular consumed as an herbal remedy.

What are the benefits of mangosteen skin? summarized from a variety of sources, some benefits of mangosteen skin for health.

1. Lower Blood Sugar Levels

The advantages and benefits of mangosteen fruit can lower blood sugar levels in the body. Mangosteen skin has very little calorie content.

This makes mangosteen skin benefits also very safe for diabetics. Fiber content in mangosteen skin can help maintain blood sugar in normal levels.

In addition, it is also able to bind excessive sugar in the intestines and prevent it from being absorbed into the blood. However, keep in mind that the best way to control diabetes is to maintain a healthy life, such as healthy eating and regular physical activity.

2. Preventing Heart Disease

The diverse content of minerals in mangosteen skin is believed to prevent heart disease. The content of minerals, such as manganese, copper, potassium, and magnesium is an important component of cells and bodily fluids.

These minerals play a role in controlling heart rate and blood pressure is then able to prevent heart disease. Rich in fiber, mangosteen skin has the ability to increase good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides.

It is this condition that is thought to give the body protection from stroke and coronary heart disease.

3. Boost the Immune System

Vitamin C on mangosteen skin can boost the immune system. In addition, vitamin C activates the immune system at any time when the body meets infectious agents, so that a person is not easily sick.

Mangosteen skin is also good for consumption by the sick. Because mangosteen skin is able to speed up the healing process.

Mangosteen skin also has highly effective anti-microbial properties against Staphylococcus aureus that are well consumed by people with low immunity, such as tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS patients.

4. Overcoming Acne

The next benefit of mangosteen skin is that it can help to treat acne. Mangosteen skin has antiinflammatory properties that can help reduce acne and inflamed acne.

In addition, mangosteen skin is able to prevent the appearance of new acne. Having antimicrobial properties, mangosteen skin can inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria.

In addition, mangosteen skin is believed to also be able to suppress the production of free radicals that contribute to the formation of acne.

5. Preventing Cancer

Consuming mangosteen skin extract is believed to protect the body from cancer. It is highly recommended to be consumed by people who are susceptible to cancer or those who already have cancer.

Rich in antioxidant properties on mangosteen skin is essential to fight cancer-causing free radicals. Gifu International Institute of Biotechnology study in Japan states that, xanthones substances on mangosteen skin can inhibit the growth and proliferation of leuchemical cells and prevent the proliferation of cancer cells.

However, that doesn't mean mangosteen skin extract can kill cancer cells completely. Mangosteen skin is only used as a dietary supplement in addition to other cancer treatments.

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