Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease that is chronic, the cause is auto imune or immune system disorders. Normally epidermis cells grow and change within 28 days, but in patients with this disease, the skin changes occur too quickly, ie 2-4 days or more.
occurrence of psoriasis usually affects the skin on the back only, in some patients
may occur in the form of dandruff scalp, but it's not dandruff, but part of
psoriasis symptoms that arise in the scalp, or known as scalp psoriasis .
Disease that
appears on the scalp is very disturbing sufferer. The severity and peeled
varied, from smooth as usual dandruff flakes until thick patches with scales
attached. The disease is often beyond the hair area, so it extends up to the
forehead, forehead, behind the ears or neck, so it also affects the
appearance of the sufferer.
Dandruff and
psoriasis both have some signs of the same symptoms, such as itchy, red skin, scaly. In general, psoriasis scales thicker and drier than seborrheic
dermatitis. Psoriasis usually on more than one area of the body, if there is
in the head, there is also the possibility of mild psoriasis on the skin of
the body, eg in the knees, elbows, hands or feet .
Only a
dermatologist who can ascertain, whether it is regular dandruff or psoriasis
disease, in order to subsequently be able to get proper treatment.
of dandruff in patients with psoriasis due to overly active skin cells
proliferate. The skin cells multiply 10 times faster than normal skin.
Normally moulting cycle lasts 27-40 days. But at the turn of the disease cycle
becomes much faster, resulting in a buildup of dead skin cells which will appear
as scales like dandruff.
The exact
cause of this disease is unknown, but the study showed abnormal white blood
cells triggers the proliferation of skin cells and rapid exfoliation.
Psoriasis of
the scalp in addition to causing discomfort, also pose a danger of
complications if not treated immediately, in the form of scales are much
exfoliation can become very difficult wearing dark clothing, so it will feel
disturbed, loss of confidence, low self-esteem and emotional distress .
Patients also worry if the psoriasis on the scalp cause baldnes.
Psoriasis of the scalp can not be prevented but it can be
treated,. When the disease is getting worse should go to a dermatologist to
get an appropriate and effective treatment.
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