Organic cosmetics

Women always want to look beautiful is a natural instinct. Cosmetics to be one way. But not a few women who carelessly in choosing cosmetics. Even sometimes do excessive cosmetic applications. The effect is visible in the long term, uneven skin tone, dark spots, until the irritation is some effects of excessive use of cosmetics or cosmetic ingredients harmful.
Some cosmetics are known to contain chemicals such as parabens, zirconium, or aluminum, and even mercury. To use once or twice, the effect of exposure to these chemicals may not be felt. However, when used in high intensity, its adverse effects can be more than just black spots or irritation. More severe danger threatening. For example, the skin becomes more sensitive, hormonal imbalances, and skin cancers arise.
Seeing the effects of chemical-based cosmetics, organic cosmetics now appears a number, namely cosmetics using the benefits and content of natural ingredients. Organic cosmetics to avoid the use of harmful chemicals, and only seek the addition of chemicals to a minimum.
The use and maximum utilization of natural ingredients in organic cosmetics has its own advantages, such as reducing the negative impact of the use of cosmetics such as skin irritation, black spots, hormonal imbalance, skin discoloration, and reduce skin cancer risk factors. Organic cosmetics also can reduce the effects of allergies that sometimes caused the conventional cosmetics on sensitive skin.
Because it uses natural ingredients, organic cosmetics are considered as environmentally friendly cosmetics. Organic cosmetics are also safer for the body and not abusive. The use of natural materials also make cosmetic benefits more quickly absorbed by the skin. Even some organic cosmetics contain antioxidants which can counteract free radicals trigger cancer. In addition, vitamin and mineral content of organic cosmetics natural ingredients believed to provide maximum benefits for skin care.
Actually organic cosmetics is not something new, this cosmetic was popular in the decade 2000's. Despite the fluctuation of its popularity, the future is predicted organic cosmetics will still be sought.
Examples of cosmetics that claim to be organic cosmetics are some of the products of "The Body Shop". Many organic cosmetic products popping up on the internet. For example, "Living Pretty, Naturally", and "The Local Rose".
Some examples of natural ingredients that have been known to be useful for beauty include yam, saffron, cucumber, coconut, and seaweed.

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